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Visualizing Change: Graphics on the Horizon

Black Conference Center

October 3 - 6, 2010
Houghton, MI

Michigan Technological University hosts the American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Design Graphics Division 65th Mid-year Conference.


Conference Overview

EDGD invites you to join us in Houghton, MI for their 65th Mid-year Conference. This mid-year conference focuses on graphics in the field of engineering.

The Mid-Year Conference will also offer you a chance to meet and converse with leading engineering graphics educators at 4-year colleges, as well as with educators from 2-year colleges. Many of the regular attendees are authors of the most popular engineering graphics textbooks on the market today. You will have an opportunity to discuss their programs, their successes and failures, and their visions of the future. The Mid-Year Conference has many interesting facets. First, and foremost, are the 2 days of technical sessions. These sessions are the presentation of technical papers on the latest graphics education techniques, advances in graphics science, and the latest education and graphics products. The Proceedings of the Meeting will be bound and distributed. Selected papers will appear in the ASEE EDGD Engineering Design Graphics Journal.

There will be workshops post conference and a pre conference tour of the Keweenaw Pennisula.

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